Have your say on the future development of Dublin

14 December 2021

by Cllr Joe Costello

Dev Plan FB Event

I am organising an online public meeting on the Dublin City Development Plan on Wednesday 15th December 2021 at 8pm.   The City Councillors have amended the Draft Plan which has now been published and is out for public consultation until 14th February 2022.
The City Development Plan is a roadmap which sets out how the City will develop to meet the needs of all residents, workers and visitors.

The new Plan will be finalised next year and will cover the six year period from 2022 to 2028.

COVID, Climate Change and Brexit are major issues facing us now and into future. The decisions we make are going to be very important for our City.

Speakers will include Senator Marie Sherlock, Cllr Declan Meenagh and Odran Reid, Lecturer in Planning.

You can join the meeting via Facebook Live or tune in on my website www.joecostello.ie. Alternatively, I can send you the Zoom link if you would like to join in the discussion. If you would like to join via Zoom, please let me know by 6pm on Wednesday and I will send on the link.

Come along and have your say in how you would like our City to deal with the immediate challenges and how it should develop into the future.